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Home > Meetings > Arago Payload #2 M5

Arago Payload #2 M5

Location: CNES Head Quarters, 2 place Maurice Quentin, Paris, in room "Salle Espace"

(Due to security at CNES, it will be necessary to show your passport and to go through bag search.)

Date: December 1, 2015, 9h30-18h + December 2, 2015, 9h30-16h30

Download the program

The participants to the meeting were:

- Martin Barstow
- Pernelle Bernardi
- Frank Brachet
- Guillaume Bonnery
- Guillaume Butel
- Josiane Costeraste
- Richard Desselle
- Pierre Dubath
- Ana Ines Gomez de Castro
- Cecile Gry
- Jiri Krticka
- Olivier La Marle
- Jon Lapington
- André Laurens
- Laurits Leedjarv
- Arturo Lopez Ariste
- Pablo Marcos Arena
- Stéphane Mathis
- Yael Nazé
- Coralie Neiner
- Laurent Pares
- Belen Perea Abarca
- Martin Pertenais
- Pascal Petit
- Gert Raskin
- Gregor Rauw
- Jean-Michel Reess
- Etienne Renotte
- Pierre Royer
- Udo Schuehle
- Jonathan Tanrin
- Henri Triou

Remote participants:

- Marc Audard
- Corinne Charbonnel
- Tony Hull
- Gaitee Hussain
- Franz Kerschbaum
- Michaela Kraus et al.
- Roland Ottensamer
- Frans Snik