Observatoire de Paris-PSL Sorbonne Université Université de Paris LESIA UVMag logo

UVMag payload consortium members

Wednesday 20 August 2014, by cneiner

The payload consortium currently consists of the following members:

Consortium members Institute Email Expertise}
Jean-Louis Auguères CEA jean-louis.augueres@cea.fr Project management
Martin Barstow Leicester mab@leicester.ac.uk Instrument Scientist
Pernelle Bernardi LESIA Pernelle.Bernardi@obspm.fr UVMag system engineer
Michel Berthe CEA michel.berthe@cea.fr Project management
Christophe Cara CEA christophe.cara@cea.fr Optical engineering
Richard Desselle CSL rdesselle@ulg.ac.be Thermo-mechanical engineering
Christoph Keller Leiden keller@strw.leidenuniv.nl Polarimetry
Christian Kintziger CSL ckintziger@ulg.ac.be Optical engineering
Arturo Lopez Ariste Spain alopezariste@gmail.com Polarimetry
Stéphane Mathis CEA stephane.mathis@cea.fr CEA contact
Pablo Markos Arenal Leuven pablo@ster.kuleuven.be
Bruno Milliard LAM bruno.milliard@oamp.fr UV detectors
Coralie Neiner LESIA coralie.neiner@obspm.fr PI
Napoléon Nguyen Tuong LESIA napoleon.nguyen-tuong@obspm.fr Thermo-mechanical engineering
Laurent Pares IRAP laurent.pares@ast.obs-mip.fr Optical engineering
Martin Pertenaïs IRAP+LESIA martin.pertenais@irap.omp.eu Optical engineering
Pascal Petit IRAP ppetit@irap.omp.eu IRAP contact
Gregor Rauw ULG rauw@astro.ulg.ac.be Liège contact
Gert Raskin Leuven gert@ster.kuleuven.be
Jean-Michel Reess LESIA jean-michel.reess@obspm.fr UVMag project manager
Etienne Renotte CSL erenotte@ulg.ac.be UV instrumentation
Pierre Rochus CSL prochus@ulg.ac.be Space instrumentation
Pierre Royer Leuven pierre.royer@ster.kuleuven.be Space instrumentation
Boris Segret ESEP boris.segret@obspm.fr System engineering
Frans Snik Leiden snik@strw.leidenuniv.nl Polarimetry
Jonathan Tanrin LESIA Jonathan.Tanrin@obspm.fr Thermo-mechanical engineering
Didier Tiphene LESIA didier.tiphene@obspm.fr Project management
Henri Triou CEA henri.triou@cea.fr System engineering
Bart Vandenbussche Leuven Bart.vandenbussche@ster.kuleuven.be Space instrumentation