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Home > Meetings > Arago Payload #2 M5

Arago Payload #2 M5

Location: CNES Head Quarters, 2 place Maurice Quentin, Paris, in room "Salle Espace"

(Due to security at CNES, it will be necessary to show your passport and to go through bag search.)

Date: December 1, 2015, 9h30-18h + December 2, 2015, 9h30-16h30

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The participants to the meeting were:

 Martin Barstow
 Pernelle Bernardi
 Frank Brachet
 Guillaume Bonnery
 Guillaume Butel
 Josiane Costeraste
 Richard Desselle
 Pierre Dubath
 Ana Ines Gomez de Castro
 Cecile Gry
 Jiri Krticka
 Olivier La Marle
 Jon Lapington
 André Laurens
 Laurits Leedjarv
 Arturo Lopez Ariste
 Pablo Marcos Arena
 Stéphane Mathis
 Yael Nazé
 Coralie Neiner
 Laurent Pares
 Belen Perea Abarca
 Martin Pertenais
 Pascal Petit
 Gert Raskin
 Gregor Rauw
 Jean-Michel Reess
 Etienne Renotte
 Pierre Royer
 Udo Schuehle
 Jonathan Tanrin
 Henri Triou

Remote participants:

 Marc Audard
 Corinne Charbonnel
 Tony Hull
 Gaitee Hussain
 Franz Kerschbaum
 Michaela Kraus et al.
 Roland Ottensamer
 Frans Snik